From speaking at events and conferences to creating and delivering bespoke training programs, we’re making allyship happen.
Topics range from positive masculinity and male mental health to the menopause and gender-based microaggressions.
Training programs
Inclusive leadership training and bespoke programs to move men from awareness to action.
Keynote speaking
Lee can talk at conferences and events about his experiences as a stay at home dad and his journey to and work around male allyship.
Educational resources
A bank of resources including worksheets, tools, research, and content.
Bespoke consulting including help with your DE&I strategy to make allyship an organisational value and priority.
30-40% of men think gender equality has gone too far
If you’re in survival mode, or you’re under attack, you’re more likely to step back from allyship and inclusion than you are to step in.
Privilege is invisible to those who hold it and things aren’t black and white. A man can benefit from male privilege but still experience classism, or racism, for example. Benefiting from male privilege doesn’t mean your life is easy or you don’t struggle, it just means those struggles and hardships aren’t because of your gender.
This is why we need to listen to men to understand where they’re at now while still opening their eyes to the experiences women have that are a direct result of their gender.
The positive impact of allyship training
Because much of what women experience is invisible to men, it can seem like gender equality isn’t necessary or is going too far. However, the awareness raised through allyship training has been proved to make men:
3 times
more likely to notice women being interrupted or spoken over, or notice them having their judgment questioned in their specialism
Over twice
as likely to notice women not being given credit for contributions made and being overlooked for promotions or stretch projects
Twice as likely
to notice people expressing their surprise at women's language skills or abilities or being questioned on their emotional state
More likely
to notice who is being asked to do the office housework such as taking notes or tidying communal areas.
The services we provide funds important work with boys in schools where we talk about healthy masculinity and online disinformation.
Your impact therefore goes further than your organisation. Thank you.
What we do

We assess your workplace on where you are now in terms of gender equity and where you want to be.

We create a bespoke plan based on your organisation's needs and confirm practices, timeline and measures.

We begin engaging all of the men in your organisation, including training and resources for senior leaders.